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June 17th Special School Board Meeting Minutes

East Mills Community School District
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
7:00 P.M. – Special Meeting/Board Workshop – June 17, 2014
East Mills Jr/Sr High School – Gymnasium – Malvern, Iowa

Superintendent Croghan opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  He offered the audience an apology on behalf of the board, aimed at anyone who has been offended through the facilities study process.  He explained that this has been a rough process but no offense was ever intended.  Mr. Croghan thanked the Strategic Planning Committee for giving so much of their time over the past several months.  He explained that the district’s spending authority is low; therefore, we need to accelerate the facilities configuration process.  A lot of work still needs to be done, and a Voter PPEL is necessary to put in place.

Board President Stogdill called the special meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. with the following directors present:  Franks, Poort, Stogdill, Urban and Williams.  Also present were Superintendent/Elementary Principal Croghan, Jr/Sr High School Principal Irwin, Board Secretary Hetzel, and Sam and Duane from Iowa Schoolhouse Construction.  There were 63 visitors present.  Stogdill also thanked everyone for their time and input during this process.

President Stogdill welcomed everyone and asked if anyone wished to speak in open forum.  Bonnie Mansfield spoke to clarify her vote at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on June 9th.  Ed Mulholland also addressed the board.  He said the Iowa Schoolhouse Construction consultants gave what they thought was the best plan for the district but the Strategic Planning Committee didn’t vote that way.  

Duane from Iowa Schoolhouse Construction went over the power point/handout, describing the various options for facility configuration and their findings on each building, as well as the financial cost for each option.

The board, Mr. Croghan and Mr. Irwin discussed the various options and how each one could impact the students educationally.  Mr. Irwin stated the least amount of times we move in the next 3-4 years is best educationally.  They also discussed forecasting a K-12 building in 3-4 years and if that is financially feasible.  Operational sharing will help greatly financially, but that will expire in 3 years so we have to have another plan in place.  Mr. Croghan recommended that we vote in July to put a Voter PPEL on the September ballot.

Director Poort said that when they get to Item 5 on the agenda he would like to start with C-Long-Term Facility Recommendation.  We can’t get to the short-term recommendation if we don’t know the long-term decision.  It was agreed to start with Item 5. Discussion ensued between the board of directors, concluding with Poort moving that they look at Long-Term Option E, which is the option that the current Jr/Sr high school will be renovated into a Pre-K – 12 building.  Franks seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken.  Urban, Franks, Stogdill, Poort and Williams all voted in favor of the motion.  Motion carried.

President Stogdill stated that a bond issue committee will be formed soon.

After much discussion on short-term options, Urban moved to go with Short-Term Option A, which would close Chantry and make the Nishna Valley campus a Pre-K – 6th grade building and leave 7th-12th grades at the current Jr/Sr high school building in Malvern.  Poort seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken.  Williams voted against the motion.  Franks, Stogdill, Poort and Urban all voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Mid-term discussion: The board agreed that this doesn’t need to be voted on at this time.  Poort motioned to table the mid-term option, seconded by Franks.  Ayes-5 Nays-0.  Motion carried.

The board discussed at what rate and how long we should request a Voter PPEL for.  It was decided $1.34/thousand for ten years and will be put on the July agenda for a September ballot.  

A bid was received for the property at 422 Main Street.  The alternative school, which was at Chantry this past school year, will relocate to the east campus.  Mr. Croghan will talk to the realtor about the offer tomorrow.

President Stogdill thanked those who attended tonight’s meeting and other meetings.  She stressed that no decision was made lightly.  The board members have put countless hours into this.  She thanked the board and the Strategic Planning Committee for all their work.  Vice President Franks also thanked everyone and talked about how difficult this decision has been on everyone involved.  

Franks moved to adjourn the special meeting, seconded by Urban.  Ayes-5 Nays-0.  Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.


Susan Stogdill, Board President



Darla Hetzel, Board Secretary